Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


The DIVERSE team bears the bulk of the teaching on Software Engineering at the University of Rennes 1 and at INSA Rennes, at the levels M1 (Project Management, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML, Design Patterns, Component Architectures and Frameworks, Validation & Verification, Human-Computer Interaction) and M2 (Model driven Engineering, Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Software Product Lines, Component Based Software Development, Validation & Verification, etc.).

Each of Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Noël Plouzeau, Olivier Barais, Johann Bourcier, Arnaud Blouin, and Mathieu Acher teaches about 200h in these domains, with Benoit Baudry and Benoit Combemale teaching about 50h, for a grand total of about 1300 hours, including several courses at ENSTB, Supelec and ENSAI Rennes.

Noël Plouzeau is the leader of the final year of the Master Pro in Computer Science at the University of Rennes 1.

Johann bourcier is co-manager of the Home-Automation option at the ESIR engineering school in Rennes.

Mathieu Acher is in charge of teaching services of ISTIC.

The DIVERSE team also receives several Master and summer trainees every year.


  • HDR: Olivier Barais: Utilisation de la modé lisation à l’exé cution : objectif, challenges et bé né fices, 2014

  • HDR: Olivier Beaudoux: Vers une programmation des systè mes interactifs centré e sur la spé cification de modè les exé cutables, 2014

  • PhD: Joao Bosco Ferreira Filho, Variability modeling in software-intensive systems, thèse 2011-2014, O. Barais, B. Baudry and M. Acher

  • PhD: Emmanuelle Rouillé, Processus Logiciels dirigés par les intentions, thèse CIFRE avec SodiFrance, 2010-2014, J.-M. Jézéquel, B. Combemale and O. Barais

  • PhD : Julien Richard-Foy, A DSL factory for modular Web oriented architecture, thèse CIFRE avec Zenexity, 2011-2014, J.-M. Jézéquel and O. Barais

  • PhD : Hamza Samih, Extending model-based testing with variability and security management, thèse CIFRE avec All4Tec, 2011-2014, B. Baudry

  • PhD in progress : Erwan Bousse, Intégration et combinaison des techniques de V&V dans un contexte d'ingénierie cystème, thèse, 2012-2015, B. Baudry and B. Combemale

  • PhD in progress : Valéria Lelli, On Testing Interactive Systems, thèse 2012-2015, B. Baudry and A. Blouin

  • PhD in progress : Kwaku Yeboah-Antwi, Runtime emergence of software diversity, thèse 2013-2016, B. Baudry and O. Barais

  • PhD in progress : Sana Ben Nasr, Modeling variability in regulatory requirements, thèse 2013-2016, B. Baudry and M. Acher

  • PhD in progress : Guillaume Bécan, Reverse Engineering and Evolution of Variability-intensive Software Systems, thèse 2013-2016, B. Baudry and M. Acher

  • PhD in progress : Mohamed Boussaa, An Architecture for Testing Large-Scale Dynamic Distributed Systems, thèse 2013-2016, B. Baudry and O. Barais

  • PhD in progress : Thomas Degueule, Next Generation of MDE Tooling Support, thèse 2013-2016, O. Barais and A. Blouin

  • PhD in progress : David Mendez Acuna, Variability in Modeling Languages, thèse 2013-2016, B. Baudry and B. Combemale

  • PhD in progress : Ivan Paez Anaya, Proactive Adaptation in Pervasive Environment, thèse 2012-2015, J.Bourcier, N. Plouzeau and J.-M. Jézéquel

  • PhD in progress : Inti Gonzalez, Ressources reservation in Pervasive Middleware, thèse 2012-2015, J. Bourcier, O. Barais

  • PhD in progress : Jacky Bourgeois, Automatic Synchronization of Energy Production and Consumption, thèse 2012-2015 co-tutelle avec the Open University, J.Bourcier, B. Baudry and G. Kortuem

  • PhD in progress : Francisco Acosta, Automatic Deployment and Reconfigurations in Internet of Things, thèse 2013-2016 co-encadrement avec l'équipe ACES, J. Bourcier, F. Weis

  • PhD in progress : Pierre Laperdrix, Secretless moving target against browser fingerprinting , thèse 2014-2017, B. Baudry

  • PhD in progress : Johan Pelay, Langage pour une programmation incrémentale de réseau, thèse 2014-2017 co-encadrement avec le laboratoir B-COM, O.Barais, F. Guillemin

  • PhD in progress : Kévin Corre, Modélisation de la confiance dans les services sociaux et conversationnels, thèse 2014-2017 co-encadrement avec l'équipe AtanMod, O. Barais, G. Sunye


Benoit Combemale

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

  • Emmanuelle Rouillé, April 2014, University of Rennes (Co-supervisor)

  • Jean-Christophe Bach, September 2014, University of Nancy (Member)

  • Faiez Zalila, December 2014, University of Toulouse (Member)

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

was in the examination committee of the following HDR:

  • Olivier Beaudoux, August 2014, ESEO, President

  • Rémi Cozot, September 2014, University of Rennes, President

  • Laurent Amsaleg, November 2014, University of Rennes, President

  • Maud Marchal, November 2014, University of Rennes, President

  • Olivier Barais, December 2014, University of Rennes, member

Jean-Marc Jézéquel

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

  • Emmanuelle Rouillé, April 2014, University of Rennes, Supervisor

  • Cyrille Jegourel, November 2014, University of Rennes, President

  • Minh Tu Ton That, October 2014, Université de Bretagne-Sud, President

  • Julien Richard-Foy, December 2014, University of Rennes, Supervisor

Olivier Barais

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

  • Emmanuelle Rouillé, April 2014, University of Rennes, Supervisor

  • Julien Richard-Foy, December 2014, University of Rennes, Supervisor

  • Bosco Ferreira, December 2014, University of Rennes, Supervisor

Benoit Baudry

was in the examination committee of the following HDR:

  • Olivier Barais, December 2014, University of Rennes, member

Benoit Baudry

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

  • Hamza Samih, December 2014, University of Rennes, Supervisor

  • Bosco Ferreira, December 2014, University of Rennes, Supervisor

  • Jérémie Tatibouet, Ocotber 2014, University of Paris-Sud, Referee

  • Boris Baldassari, June 2014, University of Lille, Referee

Mathieu Acher

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

  • Ebrahim Abbasi, February 2014, University of Namur (Belgium), Referee

  • Bosco Ferreira, December 2014, University of Rennes

Johann Bourcier

was in the examination committee of the following PhD thesis:

  • Koutheir Attouchi, July 2014, University of Paris 6,